Title: Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit and Century of Simon Exhibit Address: Morriss Hall at The Barnhill Center – 106 South Douglas St, Brenham, TX 77833 Description: Brenham was selected as 1 of 7 towns in Texas to host the Smithsonian traveling exhibit titled “Crossroads: Change in Rural America.” Join us in Brenham December 7th – January 19th and learn why revitalizing rural places matters now, and into the future. Despite demographic changes, economic innovation and a focus on cultural facets have helped make small towns unique, comfortable and desirable. Come and learn how these changes helped Brenham and Washington County create a bright future from the legacy of our rural roots. During this time, we will also be displaying our local exhibit, “A Century of Simon,” which takes visitors on an interactive journey through the long colorful history of the Simon Theatre in The Barnhill Center. For more information, go to: https://visitbrenhamtexas.com/things/smithsonian/ or call the Brenham Visitor Center at (979) 337-7580.